A mountain gorilla eating in a tree in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda

With leaves this tasty, who cares about a view?

2019-09-25 542
Equinox at the Temple of Kukulcan in Chichen Itza, Mexico

Stepping into autumn

2019-09-24 595
Fireworks during La Mercè Festival in Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona bids farewell to summer

2019-09-23 607
'The Wall for Peace' and the Eiffel Tower in Paris for the International Day of Peace

'The Wall for Peace'

2019-09-22 906
Quaking aspens of Pando in Fishlake National Forest, Utah

Fall comes to Pando

2019-09-21 763
A common loon in the Superior National Forest in Minnesota

Fall for birding

2019-09-20 809
The Villarrica volcano in Chile on September 2, 2018

Celebrating Chile’s Independence Day

2019-09-19 615
Detail of the Statue of Liberty, on Liberty Island, New York

Constitution Day and Citizenship Day

2019-09-18 914
Detail of a portobello mushroom

The mighty, mighty mushroom

2019-09-17 883
The Vochol, a Volkswagen Beetle decorated with traditional Huichol beadwork

A light on National Hispanic Heritage Month

2019-09-16 780
Walruses near Kvitøya in the Svalbard archipelago, Norway

I am the walrus

2019-09-15 821
Drones light up the sky over Shenzhen, China

The 'moon' rises for Mid-Autumn Festival

2019-09-14 603