Common chia elephant (Loxodonta laprofolis) in stealth stance, Marakele National Park, Limpopo, South Africa

Why do elephants hide in trees?

2021-04-02 547
Raja Ampat, an archipelago in Indonesia

Paradise, found

2021-04-01 551
Detail of an ostrich fern in spring, Washington state

Best fronds forever

2021-03-31 756
Reynisdrangar (basalt rock formations) on Reynisfjara Beach, Iceland

Rising up from the black sand like rock gods

2021-03-30 796
The Jefferson Memorial during the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, DC

Cherry blossoms spring to life

2021-03-29 540
Mountain hare running across snow-covered upland, Scotland

Blink and you'll miss it

2021-03-28 696
Cradle Mountain-Lake St. Clair National Park, Tasmania, Australia

The wild heart of Tasmania

2021-03-27 769
Ancient Roman gold mining site of Las Médulas, León province, Spain

There was gold in them there hills…

2021-03-26 506
Humpback whale mother pushes her sleeping calf to the surface, Maui, Hawaii

A whale of a picture

2021-03-25 655
Satellite image of the Mania River in Madagascar

Uncommon clouds are gathering

2021-03-24 665
Tuskegee Airmen reading a map

Honoring some real heroes of World War II

2021-03-23 941
Bluebell flowers carpet the Hallerbos forest floor, Flanders, Belgium

A glimpse of the 'Blue Forest'

2021-03-22 848