North Pacific humpback whale breaching in Frederick Sound, Alaska

Summertime in Alaska

2020-07-17 969
The flooded crypt at Winchester Cathedral, Hampshire, England

Who left the tub running?

2020-07-16 808
The Panthéon in Paris, France

Under Parisian skies

2020-07-15 858
The Hoh Rainforest in Olympic National Park, Washington state

Welcome to the Hoh

2020-07-14 625
Ežezers Lake in the Latgale region, Latvia

A day to take a moment

2020-07-13 824
Bàu Cá Cái mangrove forest in Quảng Ngãi province, Vietnam

How Quảng Ngãi got its grove back

2020-07-12 615
The bell tower in Lake Reschen, South Tyrol, Italy

Italy's submerged village

2020-07-11 917
American Basin in southern Colorado's San Juan Mountains

High alpine color in Colorado

2020-07-10 575
Gray seal pup resting on a beach in Blakeney National Nature Reserve, England

It's only Wednesday

2020-07-09 575
Enhanced-color composite of the Caloris Basin, Mercury

Mercury in retrograde

2020-07-08 580
Tolbachik volcanic complex on the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

Welcome to the Ring of Fire

2020-07-07 572
Great Point Light on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts

There once was a lighthouse from...

2020-07-06 605